City of Lincoln Waites

Thomas Curtois - City Wait 1768

31 May 1768

So, Dickinson was passed over in preference to Curtois. This early, the Dickinson in question is possibly Edward, as he is the earliest of the Dickinson family who is mentioned as a Wait in the City Minute Books (1769)(L1/1/1/7, p530).

On 31 May of the same year Thomas Curtois became a Wait, [a relative?] the Reverend Mr Curtois, offered to sell his House on High Bridge to the City for £150 (L1/1/1/7, p511). The City must have asked to buy the property, [from what I can gather - to widen the road] because later that same year the council ordered, "that the several Houses lately purchased by the City of Mr Curtois, Mr Hazlewood and Miss Becke upon the East Side of the Highbridge be immediately pulled down" (L1/1/1/7, p519). If these houses matched the existing one on the West side, they were 16th century timbered buildings.

29 Nov 1777

In 1777, Thomas Curtois "Cordwainer", was elected to receive Sir Thomas White's Charity (L1/1/1/7, p605).

3 March 1800

Thomas must have used the £25, lent to him from Sir Thomas White's Charity, wisely, because by 1800, the Council were borrowing money from him: "Another [Bond] to Messrs Curtois and Kirton for £300 with interest from 7th February 1800" (L1/1/1/7, p 899).

30 September 1801

Evidently, Thomas was still performing well in 1801, but may not have been a regular member of the Waites Band then. He was especially asked to help out the Waites at the Mayors' annual Michaelmas Dinner that year. The City Minute Book mentions him being paid 5s "for assisting the Waites on Michaelmas (ref: L1/4/1/2). This payment is also noted in the Mayor's Accounts (Lincoln City Rolls 38/1801-1802).

Song from the Curtois Collection: King, Liberty, Laws.